
I have reached 1000 subscribers on YouTube! I never thought I’d get anywhere close to this huge amount of subscribers, especially not this fast! Since I published the first episodes of the “PLC programming using TwinCAT 3 tutorial” in the beginning of March on YouTube, the channel has received over 30.000 views. It seems free PLC programming tutorials are appreciated. It’s time to celebrate and answer some questions that I’ve got from you viewers!


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Dear existing & future PLC software developers, I have published the 5th part of my free PLC programming using TwinCAT 3 tutorial.

Arrays allow us to define types of variables that can hold several data items of the same kind. In this part of the tutorial we will look at a data unit type that allows us to hold several data items of different kind. We will also look at one of the basis of modularization and re-use in software development called functions. We will look at how we can get data in and out of functions, and we will also look at the difference between passing parameters by value and by reference. We will finish this part by writing our very first function!

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Dear existing & future PLC software developers, I have published the 4th part of my free PLC programming using TwinCAT 3 tutorial.

In this video we will look into the various data types that are available in the IEC 61131-3 standard, pointers & references and how to work with arrays. We will cover why pointers can be dangerous and why you generally want to prefer to use references instead. Then we will finish the tutorial by looking at how we can convert between different data types. Also, what is the relationship between the amount of stars in the universe and TwinCAT? Watch the video to learn!

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When I started out with TwinCAT programming some time ago, I had basically not heard about PLCs. My background was not even close to automation, mostly doing C/C++ on various Linux-based systems. I had two friends which previously were doing a little automation, and both of them said “Don’t start working with PLCs. It’s boring“. Now that I’ve dabbled in “traditional IT” software development and industrial automation software development, I definitely don’t agree with the latter being boring. Industrial automation using PC-based control is insanely fun! At my first job where they used “this thing called TwinCAT” (which was unknown to me at that time), I did what I usually do: I started googling stuff like “free TwinCAT tutorial, how to program with TwinCAT, free TwinCAT course, TwinCAT open source” and so forth. I didn’t find much on Google or in any other of the places I usually used to learn a new programming language (forums, stack overflow, open source projects, etc). The amount of free resources was very limited. After having my TwinCAT blog for a few years, I even got an (anonymous) message via the contact form on my blog from someone saying that I’m an idiot that shares information and knowledge for free, and that nothing should be done for free and that I should basically stop writing my blog. For these reasons, I decided to do a free TwinCAT 3 tutorial.

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