Found this information on the TwinCAT LinkedIn-group, but thought it’s good to share it with everyone else. Beckhoff unfortunately don’t provide release notes with updates/bug fixes/features to new releases of TwinCAT. They have however recently added a new RSS-feed so that it’s possible to follow new releases of TwinCAT and the different supplements. Apparently this is going to be added to the Visual Studio start page from TwinCAT 3.1.4024, which hopefully will be released in the not-too -distant future. The address to the feed is
I use a plugin to chrome called RSS Feed Reader which I find really nice. Just install it (you don’t need to register for an account), and add the feed to the plugin. Next to the address bar in chrome you will now automatically see all news from Beckhoff conveniently.
Social media tree image by geralt from
Hi Jakob,
Thanks for info. Still, its quite strange there is no changelog of TC releases. You just got new version without description. Any idea of reason for that?
Hi Jan! I have no idea and my guesses are most likely not any better than yours 🙂 Until Beckhoff starts with release notes, all we can do is to send or requests for them doing that to the local support. Maybe when there are enough people asking we might see a change?
Hi Jakob
Recently found your blog and there are a lot of interesting topics!
There is a webpage where new features are listed.
Unfortunately this is only for mayor releases, not every build.
It’s indeed strange they don’t list bugfixes.
I found this on the LinkedIn group too. I really wish that Beckhoff would give us release notes at every update. I have updated TwinCAT few times and found out afterwards that there are some problems and the release notes could have helped. And of course, I would like to know if the update fixes some problems if it’s worth it or not.
You can add the RSS feed to Outlook also! Then you get a “new email message” like notification on your PC when there are updates.
In the upcoming TwinCAT release there will be a new designed startpage for VisualStudio 2017 and greater. The new RSS feed will be used in this startpage.