PLC programming using TwinCAT 3 tutorial – part 9

Dear existing & future PLC software developers, I have published part 9 of my free PLC programming using TwinCAT 3 tutorial.
In this part we’ll learn how to use one of the most used Beckhoff libraries for various purposes. We’ll learn how to measure execution time of PLC code, how to use a FIFO buffer and how to combine the power of using a TwinCAT real-time program with an application running in user-space (Windows).

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4 Comments, RSS

  1. Max

    Thank’s a lot.
    I work many years with Twincat…and never know about a ring buffer FB in Beckhoff library
    (every time a need i make it by myself)

    your tutorials are amazing!
    I can feel youy passion for this issues

  2. advan

    Hi Jakob
    I am a engineer in Taiwan , Your webside & video is really great,I fullly agree with your thoughts

    I like to share one ideaI I used to try. Use NT_Startprocess to start progeam & redirection output to get result
    eg ping , you can ues “where ping” in command prompt to get program path.
    use “>” redirection to anouther file for TwinCAT PLC get the result,But I got problem on I can’t pass redirection via NT_Startprocess , eventually i use batch file instead,but It’s not work on WinCE@@
    I still trying on it,Just sharing my experience hope it’s help.

  3. Filix George

    It was good to know about Memring buffer … But I have a question regarding buffer.I am new to beckhoff world
    How can we add different Hex data of different data length into one buffer OF byte array
    For example
    G:UINT:= 16#0001// STRUCTURE ST
    F:USINT:=16# 0002// STRUCTURE ST
    B:UINT : 16 #0003// STRUCTURE BT
    G and F are same structure ST and B is of different structure BT
    how to add this into byte array buffer
    For example byte array should look like this : 00 01 02 00 03

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